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Taming QoE in Cellular Networks: from Subjective Lab Studies to Measurements in the Field

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TitleTaming QoE in Cellular Networks: from Subjective Lab Studies to Measurements in the Field
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsCasas, P., B. Gardlo, M. Seufert, F. Wamser, and R. Schatz
Conference NameIRTF & ISOC Workshop on Research and Applications of Internet Measurements (RAIM)
Date Published11/2015
Citation KeyCas2015d
Project year: 
Third year
WP(s) associated with the paper: 
WP4 - mPlane Supervisor: Iterative and Adaptive Analysis
WP5 - Integration, Deployment, Data Collection, Evaluation
Partner(s) associated with the paper's author(s): 
Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien Gmbh
Is this an OFFICIALLY supported mPlane paper?: 