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Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France (ALBLF)

Organization Profile: Alcatel-Lucent provides solutions that enable service providers, enterprise and governments worldwide, to deliver voice, data and video communication services to end-users. As a leader in fixed, mobile and converged broadband networking, IP technologies, applications and services, Alcatel-Lucent offers the end-to-end solutions that enable compelling communications services. With the Bell Labs, the company has one of the largest research organizations in the telecommunications industry. Bell Labs research aims to create new growth opportunities with disruptive innovation and to provide a competitive market advantage for Alcatel-Lucent. Bell Labs France, the second centre in size, located close to Paris, is a 100% affiliate of Alcatel Lucent France and is covering research on optical components, transmission systems and optical networks, fixed and mobile networks architectures, security, service infrastructure and applications. Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France is leading both EU-funded FP7 ETICS and UniverSelf projects through its Advanced Internet Research (AIR) department within the Bell Labs' Networking domain. AIR has skills in network and system architecture, simulations and protocols with in particular a strong competence centre on MPLS/GMPLS, PCE and OSS); as well as in software and hardware prototyping, with recognized expertises through active contributions to standard bodies (particularly at the IETF, ETSI, ITU-T and IPSphere Forum). Recently, AIR members have been involved at different levels (coordinator, WP leader, contributor and technical expert) in several successful research projects in these areas, such as the FP6 NOBEL2, the CELTIC TIGER and TIGER2, the RNRT ACTRICE and the "pôle de compétitivité" System@TIC Paris-Région CARRIOCAS projects.  

Members of Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs

Ben Houidi Zied Contact
De Vleeschauwer Danny Contact
Ghamri-Doudane Samir Contact
Perino Diego Contact
Tsang Jyh Contact