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Reasoners and Analysis Modules

Reasoners and Analysis Modules

Final release of the following tools has been included in D4.4 - versions on the webpage are always to be considered the most updated one.


Analysis Modules

  • WeBrowse Content Curation Modules (ALBLF)

  • Mobile Network RCA modules (developed by TID)

  • Spark Jobs for Web QoE Analysis (developed by Eurecom)

  • ADTool: on-line anomaly detection module, running on top of DBStream (developed by FTW)

  • Entropy: anomaly detection module, running on top of DBStream (developed by FTW)

  • DisNETPerf: locating the nearest measurement probe to a remote (and not controlled) server (developed by FTW and ULG)

  • LPR: MPLS tunnels classification (developed by ULG)
  • Middlebox Taxonomy: classifying middleboxes according to their path impairment (developed by ULG)
  • IGP Weight Simulator: inferring IGP weigh of an ISP based on collected traces (developed by ULG)
  • iGreedy: analysis module capable of anycast detection, enumeration and geolocation based on distributed latency measurements (developed by ENST)
  • SEARUM: Hadoop MapReduce implementation of Association Rule Mining technique (developed by POLITO)