From Monday August 25th, 2014 to September 5th, 2014 at Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium was held the METRICS Bootcamp 2014. mPlaners were invited to give tutorials.
The objective of the bootcamp is to introduce new PhD students to the broad research domain of Internet measurements. It is organised by the METRICS ITN and is open to a few PhD students outside of the METRICS ITN. The goal of this event is to give students an overview of real work on Internet measurements, training on communication skills (writing scientific papers, giving oral presentations and presenting results as graphs). Interestingly, students were also invited to reproduce results from previous Internet measurement papers to understand the difficulty in conducting and publishing reproducible Internet measurements.
Half a day was dedicated to two mPlane tutorials about:
The latter gives an overview of the mPlane project, its motivations, its main WPs, its benefits for Internet actors (ISPs, Content providers, Customers, ...) and a few use cases. Next, it describes the mPlane architecture, its principles and its main components. Then, it gives a more detailed description of the mPlane information model, focusing on the classes needed to code an mPlane proxy (Capability, Specification, Result) and of how to interface an mPlane proxy to mPlane. It ends with examples of existing mPlane proxies and insights on how they were coded.
mPlane Architecture and How to Code an mPlane-Complain Application/Proxy
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