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NEC develops new high speed solution for Internet performance monitoring
NEC Laboratories Europe is addressing the challenges presented by today’s distributed and diverse online environment by developing new monitoring and root cause analysis solutions in the research project mPlane.
We are proud to announce that the IRTF awarded the Applied Networking Research Prize 2016 (ANRP 2016) to the paper Cicalese, D., J. Auge, D. Joumblatt, T. ur Friedman, and D. Rossi, "Characterizing IPv4 Anycast Adoption and Deployment", ACM CoNEXT, Heidelberg, ACM, 12/2015.Congratulation to Dario's team, and to mPlane for supporting this research!! And thanks to the IRTF and ISOC for...
UPDATE: After 6 days, still no QUIC traffic... was it so bad? VP1 VP2VP3Saturday 5/12/2015 - It seems Google just stopped serving QUIC on all its servers. Bug or what? :)
Notes from the 2015 IRTF & ISOC Workshop on Research and Applications of Internet Measurements (RAIM) in cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM are available online at http://tid.isoc.org:9001/p/raim-2015.Check talks from B. Trammell about mPlane architecture [video], P. Casas talking about results in 3G/4G networks [video].
Registration for the mPlane workshop is now open!Come to see all the great work done in mPlane, to meet people, and to enjoy lively discussion with prominent researchers in the network measurement field!Check all information and how to register in the Workshop webpage.
mPlane organizes an Elsevier Communication Networks special issue on "Machine learning, data mining and Big Data frameworks for network monitoring and troubleshooting". Please find the call for paper here. Call for papersThe complexity of the Internet has dramatically increased in the last few years, making it more important and challenging to design scalable network traffic monitoring...
mPlane will be present at the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2015)!mPlane will be present as exhibitors at the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2015), in Paris. Come to see us! You'll have the chance to see Demonstrations, Flyers, talk to our experts, and get in touch with the mPlane community!Enjoy the demos:Demonstration of the...
Apple has announced at WWDC 2015 (announcement around 34:30 here) that it is turning on ECN by default for client applications in the current developer builds of the next versions of Mac OS X and iOS. In doing so, it cited "Enabling Internet-Wide Deployment of Explicit Congestion Notification", a PAM 2015 paper that was joint work between the FP7 mPlane and RITE projects, on the current state of...
mPlane is technical sponsor of the 6th International Workshop on TRaffic Analysis and Characterization, TRAC 2015, which takes place in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from August 24-27 2015. The workshop is technically co-sponsored by IEEE.
mPlane is technical sponsor of the 5th IEEE International Traffic Monitoring and Analysis Workshop, TMA 2013, which takes place in Turin, Italy, from April 14-19 2013,co-located with IEEE INFOCOM.
mPlane has a booth at the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) event, held in Paris between June 29 and July 2, 2015.Come and check out our demonstrations there!
NEC will host the final mPlane workshop event in Heidelberg on November 30, 2015.The event is co-localted with ACM CoNEXT.Please stay tuned for additional details.
mPlane organizes a JSAC special issue on "Measuring and Troubleshooting the Internet: Algorithms, Tools and Applications"Please find the call for paper here.Call for papersThe ubiquity of Internet access, and the wide variety of Internet-enabled devices and applications, have made the Internet a principal pillar of the Information Society. However, its distributed nature leads to operational...
mPlane Industrial WorkshopBarcellona - 22 April 2015 The research project mPlane (http://www.ict-mplane.eu), sponsored by the European Commission with the goal of measuring and troubleshooting Internet performance and availability by building an Intelligent Measurement Plane for Future Network and Application Management, organizes an industrial workshop to showcase the technology...
NEC Laboratories Europe is addressing the challenges presented by today’s distributed and diverse online environment by developing new monitoring and root cause analysis solutions in the research project mPlane.Full press available here.
International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) is an umbrella organization for national societies working in the field of information technology. The meeting brought together members of the Technical Committee (TC6) representing experts in the field of computer communication and networking, and a group of research leaders to provide expert input into the strategic direction for the...
The use of HTTPS is increasing and may become the default in HTTP 2.0. The privacy and security benefits of ubiquitous encryption are relatively clear, but what are the costs?Check the paper, the poster, and the presentation to see the answer!
Approaching the end of the second year, mPlane is now going into dissemination and demonstration!We prepared a poster that summarizes the project aims and status. Thanks go to TI!
The 4th Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA) PhD School was successfully held in London, UK , April 14-16th 2014, with about 40 participants. The school was operated in cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM that kindly sponsored the event, and was for the first time held in conjunction with the 6th International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis , increasing the interaction of PhDs with...
mPlane has been invited to partcipate to the Second GENI/FIRE Collaboration Workshop - May 5-6, 2014 Cambridge MA. "mPlane – an Intelligent Measurement Plane for Future Network and Application Management"The focus is on Instrumentation and Measurement - interoperability among monitoring testbed - a clear example where the mPlane architecture can be a winner.
On 13 February 2014, the NomCom announced the selection of the IAB slate whose terms will start at IETF 89 in March 2014: Mary Barnes Marc Blanchet (incumbent) Ted Hardie Joe Hildebrand Eliot Lear (incumbent, 1 year term) Brian TrammellCongratulation to Brian!!!
The 4th PhD School on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA) will be held in London, right after the TMA workshop.Deadline to register is March 12th 2014. Registration gives free access to the school, and to the TMA workshop!
It was a very interesting opportunity to share ideas and have some discussions in a very friedly environment. Wine was not so bad either .Now it's time to tag mPlanner from the official photo
mPlane is technical sponsor of the 5th International Workshop on TRaffic Analysis and Characterization, TRAC 2014, which takes place in Nicosia, Cyprus, from August 4-8 2014. The workshop is technically co-sponsored by IEEE, and is chaired by Pedro Casas and Brian Trammell.
The paper Pedro Casas, Pierdomenico Fiadino, and Arian Bär from FTW received the Best Paper Award for the paper "IP Mining: Extracting Knowledge from the Dynamics of the Internet Addressing Space", presented at the 25th International Teletraffic Congress, ITC25, 2013, got the BEST PAPER AWARD!Congratulation to Pedro, Pierdomenico, Arian and all the FTW people!
The IMC paper "Benchmarking Personal Cloud Storage" has been mentioned on Slashdot!The work has been funded within mPlane. Congratulations to Idilio and Enrico!
Great experience this year in Barcelona for IMC13!mPlane is Gold sponsor, and four mPlane papers presented there!Drago, I., E. Bocchi, M. Mellia, H. Slatman, and A. Pras, "Benchmarking Personal Cloud Storage", Internet Measurement Conference - IMC, Barcelona (ES), ACM, 10/2013. Vanaubel, Y., J-J. Pansiot, P. Mérindol, and B. Donnet, "Network...
The web site and Call for Paper of 6th Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis is up! Given the topic, this is a relevant workshop for mPlanners.Deadline for submission: November 15!
The mPlane project has been mentioned during the Italian Regulatory Agency AGCOMM Workshop that has been held in Roma. The workshop focus has been on the "Qualità dell’accesso ad Internet da rete fissa in Italia" [Quality of Internet Access lines in Italy].See here for more information (in Italian)
The Deliverable D3.1 - Basic Network Data Analysis has been completed and made available to the public. It describes the requirements, input, output for the algorithms needed to perform analytic tasks on a large amount of data, in the context of WP3. Starting from the use cases defined in WP1, we identify the algorithms needed to address the various scenario requirements.
The mPlane External Advisory Board is now complete!Welcome to Mark, Fabian, Alberto and Lukasz and many thanks for their time and support to the mPlane project!
mPlane contributes to the organisation of the Dagsthul Seminar on "Global Measurement Framework".OrganizersPhilip Eardley (BT Research, GB)Marco Mellia (Politecnico di Torino, IT)Jörg Ott (Aalto University, FI)Jürgen Schönwälder (Jacobs University – Bremen, DE)Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia University, US)The Dagsthul will take place from Sunday, November 17 to Wednesday,...
The 2nd mPlane plenary meeting will be held in Paris, kindly hosted by ENST. Book your agenda!- sloppy start monday 27 may (11h30 -18h00)- full day tuesday 28 may (9h-18h00)- sloppy end wed 29 may (9h-16h00)
We are proud to announce that the IRTF awarded the Applied Networking Research Prize 2013 (ANRP 2013) to the paperDrago, I., M. Mellia, M. Munafo', A. Sperotto, R. Sadre, and A. Pras, "Inside Dropbox: Understanding Personal Cloud Storage Services", Internet Measurement Conference - IMC, Boston, MA, ACM, 11/2012Congratulation to Idilio, and to mPlane for...
Check below some statistics on how people celebrated the new year's eve @ midnight!It seems people stopped using the WEB after all, and started drinking some good glasses of spumante in the real world!And let's call my friend to whish him a very nice 2013!! Check the number of VoIP calls:Same anomaly from a larger time scale:Happy new 2013 to all mPlanners!
mPlane is proud to anounce the officiail support to the 5th IEEE International Traffic Monitoring and Analysis Workshop (TMA 2013) that will be help in Torino, Italy, April 19, 2013. We look forward to see interesting paper on traffic analysis, and some exicting news from mPlane.
Presentation of mPlane at the Cloud-based Service Platforms for the Future Internet workshop, ICCLab, Zürich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland [PDF]