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Demonstration guidelines

The main objective of WP6 is to show the capabilities of the mPlane platform based on  the demonstration of a selected subset of functionality with respect to the use cases defined in WP1.  The main objective of this webpage is to empower users of mPlane technology with a set of easily reproducible instructions to install and replicate the mPlane use cases, subject to availability of needed equipment at the user premises.

Reference demo environment

From a high-level view point,  all use cases (UC) can be described using a simplified reference demonstration environment illustrated in the figure above, that consists in  the minimal hardware and software requirements common to all use cases. for instance,  a single mPlane Supervisor can be used for all UCs, and similarly the same Analysis infrastracture (e.g., hadoop cluster) can be shared across UCs. All use cases will need you to go through these preliminary steps:


At the same time, all UCs have different requirements in terms of specific equipment and mPlane components, so that a per-UC description is required to assist their setup.  Specifically,  use-case specific requirement,  configurations and instructions, are detailed in dedicated subpages per UC, according to the following template:

  •  Hardware list (UC-specific equipment)
  •  Sofware list (in terms of mPlane components, repositories and reasoners needed by the UC)
  •  Sofware dependency list (in terms of additional third-party software that is used by, but not a main product of mPlane)
  •  Sofware installation (pointing to the relevant pages in the mPlane website, or GitHub)
  •  Sofware configuration (shall any mPlane component require specific per-UC configuration, it will be listed here)
  •  Step-by-step walkthrough (providing, for the sake of the example, a simple and easily repeatable sequence of commands, expected output and snapshots of the running software)

 You can access per-UC instructions by the Demonstration guideline menu, or through the link below: 

  1. Guidelines for Estimating content and service popularity for network optimization
  2. Guidelines for Anomaly detection and root cause analysis in large-scale networks
  3. Guidelines for Passive Content Promotion and Curation
  4. Guidelines for Active measurements for multimedia content delivery
  5. Guidelines for Quality of Experience for web browsing.
  6. Guidelines for Mobile network performance issue cause analysis
  7. Guidelines for Verification and Certification of Service Level Agreement

Following these instructions, users should be able to run demonstrations similar to those shown the EuCNC exhibition,  the  mPlane Final workshop and other venues.