This page collects all software that has been developed and released within the mPlane project. To easy the accessibility of single tools, we have created different sections and pages that collect generic software and SDK, Probes, Repositories and Reasoners tools. Browse the menu on the left to access them, or use the links below.
mPlane architecture, reference implementation and SDK
Final release of the following tools has been included in D2.3 - versions on the webpage are always to be considered the most updated one.
- Blockmon node, a modular system for flexible, high-performance traffic (developed by NEC)
- DATI, a flexible, high performance passive monitoring platform (developed by TI)
- MobileProbe, a tool for monitoring smartphone performance for Android devices (developed by TID)
- Tstat, a passive monitoring tool (developed by POLITO)
- Anycast, a tool to detect, enumerate and geolocate anycast probes (developed by ENST)
- ECN-Spider, a tool to test ECN readiness and connectivity failure linked to ECN negotiation attempts (developed by ETH)
- Fastping, a fast ICMP scanner for TopHat (developed by ENST)
- GLIMPSE, an end host-based network measurement tool (developed by FHA)
- mSLAcert, a tool for measurement of multi layer throughput and other active data for Service layer level agreement certification (developed by FUB)
- OTT probe, an active video content download performance evaluation tool (developed by NETVISOR)
- Scamper, a sophisticated active probing tool (developed by CAIDA, integrated by ULG)
- Tracebox, a tool for topology discovery (developed by ULG)
- Mixing active and passive:
- Firelog: a hybrid probe for diagnosing Web browsing QoE (developed by EURECOM)
Repository tools
Final release of the following tools has been included in D3.4 - versions on the webpage are always to be considered the most updated one.
Query Engines:
- Blockmon Controller, the controller for the distributed stream-processing platform Blockmon (developed by NEC)
- DBStream, a flexible and easy to use Data Stream Warehouse (developed by FTW)
- EZRepo, an mPlane-compliant repository with measurement data preprocessing for root cause analysis (developed by NETVISOR)
- MATH, Mplane Authorized Transfer via HTTP, a tool to export bulk data in the form of logs from a mPlane probe (e.g., Tstat) and to import it into DBStream (developed by FTW).
- mPlane interfaces for Tstat, a set of mPlane protocol-based tools to import logs and RRDs generated by Tstat (developed by POLITO and FTW).
- MongoDB, a proxy interface to use MongoDB as repository (developed by TID).
- repoSim, a ns2 based simulator to fine-tune the mPlane repository performance (developed by ENST and POLITO)
Reasoners and Analysis modules
Final release of the following tools has been included in D4.4 - versions on the webpage are always to be considered the most updated one.
Analysis Modules
- WeBrowse Content Curation Modules are the set of analysis modules that process http logs and infer interesting web pages to promote. A limited version (due to IPR) of these modules will be made soon public (pending internal publication permission at ALBLF)
- Mobile Network RCA modules (developed by TID)
- Spark Jobs for Web QoE Analysis (developed by Eurecom)
- ADTool: on-line anomaly detection module, running on top of DBStream (developed by FTW)
- Entropy: anomaly detection module, running on top of DBStream (developed by FTW)
- DisNETPerf: locating the nearest measurement probe to a remote (and not controlled) server (developed by FTW and ULG)
- LPR: MPLS tunnels classification (developed by ULG)
- Middlebox Taxonomy: classifying middleboxes according to their path impairment (developed by ULG)
- IGP Weight Simulator: inferring IGP weigh of an ISP based on collected traces (developed by ULG)
- iGreedy: analysis module capable of anycast detection, enumeration and geolocation based on distributed latency measurements (developed by ENST)
- SEARUM: Hadoop MapReduce implementation of Association Rule Mining technique (developed by POLITO)
Integrated Prototype virtual appliance
As a result of integration activities, a virtual appliace containing working active and passive probes ready to interoperate with mPlane elements has been released. Detailed information can be find here.