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Rating Network Paths for Locality-Aware Overlay Construction and Routing

TitleRating Network Paths for Locality-Aware Overlay Construction and Routing
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsDu, W., Y. Liao, N. Tao, P. Geurts, X. Fu, and G. Leduc
JournalIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
Start Page1661
Date Published10/2015
Keywordsmatrix factorization, network inference, rating-based network measurement, recommender system

This paper investigates the rating of network paths, i.e. acquiring quantized measures of path properties such as round-trip time and available bandwidth. Comparing to finegrained measurements, coarse-grained ratings are appealing in that they are not only informative but also cheap to obtain.

Motivated by this insight, we firstly address the scalable acquisition of path ratings by statistical inference. By observing similarities to recommender systems, we examine the applicability of solutions to recommender system and show that our inference problem can be solved by a class of matrix factorization techniques. A technical contribution is an active and progressive inference framework that not only improves the accuracy by selectively measuring more informative paths but also speeds up the convergence for available bandwidth by incorporating its measurement methodology.

Then, we investigate the usability of rating-based network measurement and inference in applications. A case study is performed on whether locality awareness can be achieved for overlay networks of Pastry and BitTorrent using inferred ratings.

We show that such coarse-grained knowledge can improve the performance of peer selection and that finer granularities do not always lead to larger improvements.

Citation KeyWei2014
Project year: 
Third year
WP(s) associated with the paper: 
WP4 - mPlane Supervisor: Iterative and Adaptive Analysis
Partner(s) associated with the paper's author(s): 
Universite de Liege
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