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YOUQMON: A System for On-line Monitoring of YouTube QoE in Operational 3G Networks

TitleYOUQMON: A System for On-line Monitoring of YouTube QoE in Operational 3G Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsCasas, P., M. Seufert, and R. Schatz
Conference Name31st IFIP Performance
Keywords3G Networks, MOS, QoE Monitoring, Stallings, YouTube

YouTube is changing the way operators manage network performance monitoring. In this paper we introduce YOUQMON, a novel on-line monitoring system for assessing the Quality of Experience (QoE) undergone by HSPA/3G customers watching YouTube videos, using network-layer measurements only. YOUQMON combines passive traffic analysis techniques to detect stalling events in YouTube video streams, with a QoE model to map stallings into a Mean Opinion Score reflecting the end-user experience. We evaluate the stalling detection performance of YOUQMON with hundreds of YouTube video streams, and present results showing the feasibility of performing real-time YouTube QoE monitoring in an operational mobile broadband network.

Citation KeyCas2013a
Project year: 
First year
WP(s) associated with the paper: 
WP4 - mPlane Supervisor: Iterative and Adaptive Analysis
Partner(s) associated with the paper's author(s): 
Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien Gmbh
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