Pietro Michiardi received his M.S. in Computer Science from EURECOM and his M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Politecnico di Torino. Pietro received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Telecom ParisTech (former ENST, Paris). Today, Pietro is an Assistant professor of Computer Science at EURECOM, where he leads the Distributed System Group, which blends theory and system research focusing on large-scale distributed systems (including data processing and data storage), and scalable algorithm design to mine massive amounts of data. Additional research interests are on system, algorithmic, and performance evaluation aspects of computer networks and distributed systems.
Antonio Barbuzzi received his BSc in Computer Engineering and his MSc in Telecommunication Engineering, both with honor, from Polytechnic of Bari, Italy. He obtained his PhD in Electronic Engineering from Polytechnic of Bari. He is currently a Research Fellow at EURECOM. His research interests are mainly focused on large scale distributed systems, with main focus on Apache Hadoop and related ecosystem projects.