The main objective of WP6 is to demonstrate a selected subset of mPlane functionalities, showing the relevance of the mPlane capabilities with respect to the use cases defined in WP1.
From an ISP perspective, use case include for instance Quality of Experience (QoE) measurements and Service Level Agreement (SLA) certification and verification possibly involving classical PCs as End-User terminals, as well as smartphones or smart TVs can be good candidates to be demonstrated. From a Cloud provider perspective, use case include for instance troubleshooting of cloud-application performance would be considered.
The demonstrator will enable users to
- Be exposed to mPlane information, that quantifies several parameters of his Internet experience (e.g., browsing/VoIP/video/P2P)
- Interact with mPlane, by e.g., triggering some specific use case or providing simple feedback on his quality of experience.
The demonstrator is intended to provide a flexible showcase of mPlane capabilities for different communities, from End-Users with little or no experience, to technical savvy engineers with yearly experience on the field.
Description of work
The workpackage contains one task:
Partners contribution
While all partners will contribute to the demonstrator by testing and validating the use cases, with industrial partners having the lead additional specific contributions to WP6 are structured as follows
- FW (WP Leader) will work on the organisation of demonstrations. It will assist in the creation of demo environment (network, remote access, hosting probes, etc.). FW will adopt the project achievements with implementing operational processes based on the developed infrastructure and will create best practice reports or recommendation.
- FUB will provide support for the demonstration of the QoE and SLA verification use cases
- SSB will support the demonstration of the authentication and privacy preserving feature of mPlane
- TI will support the integration with testbed developed in WP5 and will provide support for the SLA verification use case
- EURECOM will work on the deployment of the software tools developed in WP3 and demonstrate how to interact with data stored in the mPlane repository.
- ENST will work on defining the demonstration organization, and selecting/implementing part of the data visualization
- NEC will assist on the creation and organizations of demos.
- TID will provide support and development resources for the demonstration of the mobile device use case.
- NETVISOR, as lead implementer of mPlane Probes and other software deliverables, is going to provide support services during demonstration deployments
- POLITO, ALBLF, FTW, FHA, ULG, ETH, ALBELL will support other partners in the testing the demonstrator setup and in to disseminating it on the proper communities.
- D6.1 (M27; editor FW) Demonstration Plan. This deliverable is meant to be Public. This deliverable discusses the organization of the demonstration, from the selection of the use cases, to low-level details such as the format of the exported information (e.g., HTML5 in a Web browser), and means of interaction
- D6.2 (M36; editor ENST) Demonstrator Implementation Release and User Guidelines. This software deliverable is meant to be Public. This deliverableprovides information to setup and use the demonstrator, to ease up the settings in the different venues, with a “gallery” addendum showing some of the relevant insights that mPlane can offer
- D6.3 (M38; editor FW) Demonstration Records. This deliverable is meant to be Public. It summarizes all the demonstration events in which mPlane was shown, summarizing the impact that they obtained, and the feedback received by the different communities and venues.