The results achieved during the project will be shared at first within the EU’s technical community. However, efforts will be made to share the expertise gained from the project with lead ISP, which will benefit of mPlane as for improving their capability in promptly detecting, predicting and troubleshooting (or eventually avoiding) network problems.
This WP will create and manage a web site as a way to publicly distribute information about the project and to exchange information internally among all the partners. Through the website, dissemination of results and announce of activities and events will take place. A web master will create and maintain the web site, with the purpose of coordinating the information available on this central site with those available on each partner’s web site. This coordination will ensure project visibility through the web.
Particular focus will be spent on the production of the public project documents. In line with its obligations regarding dissemination of results and achievements, the Coordinator ensures that all public documents generated by the project will be collected in a Dissemination Package which is associated with the periodic reports. Public documents include, but are not restricted to: video covering experiments and trials, animations of "real-time" simulation results, presentations (including video-clips), promotional material (leaflets, posters, etc.) and press releases.
The strategy of the dissemination will be carried out as follows:
To this purpose, every partner shall be allowed to publish selected results, provided that it does not infringe the Intellectual Property and Confidentiality Agreement that will be signed at the beginning of the project. Intellectual Property issues will be addressed in order to guarantee that each partner benefit from the results of the project and be allowed to commercialize them within the scope of its task and respecting common rules that shall be written down to prevent future litigation. No single partner of the consortium will hold the right to individually patent technologies developed within the project, unless agreed with all other members. Patenting shall extend to non-EU countries in case of major breakthroughs, in order to increase chances for participants to commercialize the issuing products anywhere in the world, supporting European economy and improving its image worldwide.
During the life of the project, industrial workshops and summer schools will be organised as the main showcases of the project research results. Such activities will allow us to get together researchers active in the fields covered by mPlane, thus providing visibility to the project and to its results.
Finally, sharing the software produced within the WP2, WP3 and WP4 through the official project website will be another important dissemination step. The software will consist of three main parts: (i) implementation of the mPlane probe platform (WP2); (ii) implementation of the framework to store and process the data collected through the measurement layer (WP3); (iii) implementation of the intelligence into the measurement plane (WP4).