Organization profile: Politecnico di Torino ( is a public university offering degrees in Engineering and Architecture, with an outstanding international reputation in technical and scientific teaching and research. It is a research university interested in the balanced development of both theoretical and applied research. Due to the participation in many international projects, Politecnico di Torino exhibits a significant experience in both scientific and administrative project management. Within the 6th Framework Programme, Politecnico di Torino was involved in 95 European research projects, while under the 7th Framework Programme 137 projects have been funded up to now, of which 22 coordinated.
POLITO participates to the mPlane project through two research groups affiliated to two different departments: the Telecommunication Networks Group (TNG) within the Electronic and Telecommunication Department and the Database and Data Mining Group (DBDMG) within the Control and Computer Engineering Department.
TNG within the Electronic Department has been active for a long time in several areas related with telecommunication networks, including wireless, optical, TCP/IP and peer-to-peer networks, with a strong expertise on performance evaluation, modelling and analysis, traffic measurements. In particular, Tstat, a passive traffic analyzer able to provide advanced statistics, has been developed in the past 10 year, and is now being deployed in several place.
The research activities of DBDMG are focused on different topics in the area of data mining and database system management, including algorithms and data structures to mine very large databases, classification algorithms for structured and unstructured (textual) data, algorithms for sequential patterns analysis, and data mining techniques for physiological signals and data stream analysis. The DBDMG has also relevant experience in software development related to sensor data analysis and network data analysis.
Mellia Marco Contact | Apiletti Daniele Contact | Bermudez Ignacio Contact | Bertino Marco Contact |
Bertino D.ET Marco Contact | Bertino Gmail Marco Contact | Bota Florin Contact | Conrotto Enrica Contact |
Finamore Alessandro Contact | Grimaudo Luigi Contact | Leonardi Emilio Contact | Melchiorre Roberta Contact |
Munafo' Maurizio Matteo Contact | Safari Khatouni Ali Contact | Tiziana Rolando Contact | Traverso Stefano Contact |
Trevisan Martino Contact |