Organization profile: Founded in 1817, the University of Liège (ULG) is the only public Community-sponsored university in the French-speaking part of Belgium, which offers a complete range of university courses at undergraduate and post-graduate levels. In this project, ULG will participate via the RUN (Research Unit in Networking) group of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). Research in RUN bears on measurements, network coordinate systems, overlays, virtualization, traffic engineering, resilience, congestion control, programmable/autonomic networks and application of machine learning to computer networks. RUN has been involved in European projects since the outset in 1983, successively in ESPRIT, RACE, ACTS and IST. RUN was a partner in the European FP6-ANA project on Autonomic Networking, in the E-NEXT European network of excellence, in 5 COST actions, and has developed an open source toolbox for Traffic Engineering (TOTEM). RUN is currently involved in the European FP7-ECODE project on cognitive networking and FP7-ResumeNet project on resilient networking.